At night, the orchestra of insects plays out
To unsuspecting crowds,
Sitting conveniently behind windows and walls,
Consumed by their lives,
Unknowing, unfettering,
As Nature’s magnum opus once again, unfolds.

Beneath the droning of cars and trucks
Meeting invisible resistance
Across asphalt pathways toward somewhere else.
The soundtrack to a microcosm
A mere arm’s distance away,
For now, has my undivided attention.

The world and all its pettiness,
Calamity, and surprise,
Has been vacated by the infinite instrumentation
And choruses of Life in all its purity.
Clandestine, hidden, yet in plain view –
A masterpiece.

Human beings colliding in Life,
The endless promenade, these Happy Accidents,
Mere distant images on the horizon,
As a paean to Demeter is performed
Beneath the twinkle of starlight,
And the unwary breath of us all.

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